meeting room window films

How To Use Window Films for Commercial Window Tinting

If you’re running a business, it’s likely that you have a long list of things to think about. The windows in your business are probably quite low on your list. But maybe they shouldn’t be – you might be surprised by the difference that commercial window films can make to your business.

Here’s our reasons why we think you should bump commercial window tinting higher on your to-do list:

Why Your Business Needs Window Films

Window Films Can Help You Improve Security

No matter how big or small, or what industry you’re in, safety and security. Every business has assets and a lot of crime is opportunistic. All it could take is someone walking past and seeing a row of computers, or a bag left by a desk.

Adding a window film to your commercial premises is an easy and effective way to keep your business tools, assets and personal possessions safe.

Enhance Your Privacy With Window Films

Sometimes in a business, you need privacy. Your customers may be sharing sensitive information, there might be meetings that need to be confidential or you might want to partition working space off for your team. A frosted window film is an easy and affordable way to help with privacy in all of these scenarios.

You can use window films to partition off your glass spaces and meeting rooms for privacy. It saves downtime and disruption to the business rather than reconfiguration of office space, adding in walls or renting separate meeting space. Window films are so quick and easy to install, you can even do them yourself (or we can come out to help you).business window films

Decorate Your Commercial Space With Window Films

Sometimes business spaces, especially if they’re rented, can be a little on the boring side. Landlords might specify that you can’t change anything permanently or do much with the walls. You might not have the time or budget as a business owner to invest into completely redecorating the entire office space.

But with all of the above in mind, it’s true that no-one wants to work in a beige box. Adding window films can be a great way to brighten up office space without causing any damage to office space. You can design custom window films for your commercial space to brighten up the area, without worrying about making permanent changes.

Even better, we offer solar window films that can reduce glare. No more teams struggling to see their screens or tools on a sunny day.

Use Window Films To Improve Your Advertising and Brand Awareness

There are so many places to advertise nowadays that it can be difficult to start. Sometimes your customers don’t know that you’re what they’re looking for until they spot you in passing. Word of mouth and physical advertising definitely still have their place, and in some business types they’re the main way that customers discover a commercial business.

Your existing premises – especially if you’re in somewhere that has a high footfall or a lot of passing traffic – can work for you to advertise your business. After all, you’re already paying for that space so why not utilise it to make it work for you?

Window films can be an easy, quick and effective way to get the name of your business, what you do and key information like your website, phone number and logo in front of customers. Coupled with your other advertising efforts, you can start to build that all-important brand recognition.

Reduce Bills with Window Films

Our solar films help you to reduce excess heat, but also keep heat in your office. This can lead to a reduction in bills as you won’t need to use your heating or air conditioning as much. Plus this can make your teams much more comfortable in their office space.

As window fills are an affordable option, you might find they’re a better return on investment than other efficiency measures when it comes to making business savings.

Use Window Films To Make It Easier To Find You

How many times has someone said to you “I didn’t know you were here!” or when you’ve explained where your business is located, they have no recollection of ever seeing the building? If you can say “it’s the building with the big pink windows” then people are more likely to remember or recognise where they’re going.

This definitely links in with advertising and branding, but focuses a bit more on the practical side of customers actually being able to find you.

Window Films Can Improve Safety

We supply glass safety films and manifestation stickers. The safety films help to protect people from damage caused by broken glass in the event of a window shattering. If you’re somewhere where broken glass is a risk (or even if you just have a lot of glass – unfortunately accidents can happen), it’s better to think about safety before you need to. By then it’s too late and you’ll wish you had dealt with the issue ahead of time.

Manifestation stickers are there to signpost and give instructions around the building. We can customise them to say and look however you want. Some will be required for regulation, some might just be there to mitigate specific risks.

How To Order Window Films For Your Business

We can work with you from start to finish and offer a complete service from design of your window film or graphics right through to print and installation at your business premises if you’re based in London and the South East. If you’re further afield and don’t want to DIY, we can help you to source someone to fit your designs.

If you’d rather do it yourself, then that’s no problem either – you can send us your final designs to us that you’ve created and then you can install them yourself. We’ll work with you for whatever’s going to work best for your business and can deal with any part of the process.

meeting room window films



