Upcycling Doors with New Window Film: A Creative and Sustainable Makeover

I. Introduction

Whether it’s to reduce waste, save money or to try something more creative, reusing and updating doors around your home can be a great project to try out. Brand new doors can be an expensive, specialist job especially if you have doors that aren’t a standard size. Let’s take a closer look at upcycling doors with new window film and how it can save you time, money and waste.

A. Definition of upcycling

Upcycling is the process of repurposing old or discarded materials to create something new and sometimes more valuable. It’s a creative, sustainable and environmentally friendly way to reduce waste and conserve resources. It’s basically a way of reusing and updating things you have around the home to either make them look better, work better or to change their purpose.

B. Benefits of upcycling

Upcycling can be a really personal thing. It allows you to do something that’s creative and practical, and means you can create something exactly how you want it instead of having to choose from available options. But they aren’t the only benefits of upcycling – it can be better for your planet and the budget too.

The main benefits of upcycling are:

  • Reducing waste
  • Saving energy and resources
  • Reducing the need for new materials
  • Saving money
  • Allows you to create exactly what you want

C. Focus: Upcycling doors with new window film

In this blog post, we’ll focus on upcycling doors with new window film to refresh and update the doors in your home. It doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive, and you can even choose your own custom designs.

II. Why Upcycle Doors with Window Film

Wondering why you’d upcycle doors with window film rather than just splashing out on new doors in the home? Here’s why you should be thinking about upcycling rather than replacing:

A. Environmental benefits

Upcycling doors with new window film has several environmental benefits. By upcycling old doors, you’re reducing the need for new materials, which reduces the environmental impact of manufacturing and transportation. It also means less waste – in the UK over 222.8 million tonnes of waste hits the landfill annually, some of which will be discarded household items like doors and doorframes. Additionally, window film can help conserve energy by reducing the amount of heat and light that enters and exits your home.

B. Cost-effective solution

Upcycling doors with new window film is also a cost-effective solution compared to buying new doors. Window film is an inexpensive and effective way to upgrade your doors, plus the installation process is simple enough that you can do it yourself at home. It’s low on mess, waste and transport costs so it’s significantly more budget-friendly, especially if you’re in the middle of massive renovations or looking to save money.

C. Enhancing privacy and security

Window film can also enhance the privacy and security of your home. Frosted or mirrored window film can obscure the view into your home, while still allowing light to enter. This can deter burglars and make you feel more secure in your home as people can’t see into the property as easily, and valuables can be hidden out of sight. This works well if you have internal doors that have glass in them too, as you can easily make things more private.

D. Aesthetic improvements

Window film can also improve the look of your doors. There are a variety of window film designs to choose from, including frosted, stained glass, seasonal and patterned designs. You can even get custom window films where you can create your exact window film design and have it printed up, ready to add to your window or door. No need to pay for door removal, disposal and replacement (plus the mess that that can leave behind you).

III. Types of window film suitable for upcycling doors

There are lots of different types of window film available. The type you choose depends on your personal taste, where you’re upcycling your doors and the end result that you want. Here are some tips for choosing the right window film when it comes to upcycling doors.

A. Frosted window film

Frosted window film is a popular choice for upcycling doors. It obscures the view into your home or room while still allowing light to enter. It also creates a sleek and modern look for your doors that’s neutral enough for any style home. Rather than being a focal point, it blends into the rest of your decor perfectly.

B. Stained glass window film

Stained glass window film can add a pop of colour and elegance to your doors. It’s available in a variety of colours and designs, from traditional patterns to more modern designs and is a great alternative to expensive stained glass. Plus you can even customise your own design if you have something specific in mind without it feeling draughty. 

C. Patterned window film

Patterned window film can add texture and interest to your doors. It’s available in a variety of patterns, including geometric shapes, floral designs, bold designs or something more scaled-back if that’s your vibe. It’s affordable, decorative and can be swapped out as often as you want so you can quickly and easily change the look of any room.

D. Mirrored window film

Mirrored window film can enhance the privacy and security of your home while also reflecting light and making your space feel brighter. It’s great if you have doors that lead out to outdoor spaces where you don’t want people to see in, but you don’t want to ruin the aesthetic of your property. It’s way cheaper than installing one way glass too.

E. UV protection window film

UV protection window film can help protect your furniture and flooring from fading due to sun damage. It also helps to reduce heat and glare, making your home more comfortable. So whether you want to stop your home from overheating, keep heat in or just stop glare from getting in the windows without having to sit with closed curtains, then solar control film can help. 

IV. Step-by-step guide to upcycling doors with window film

All of our window films come with clear instructions, and you can get in touch with us anytime if you feel that you need a little extra help or advice. You can even contact us before you order if you have any questions or there’s something specific you’re looking for.

Now that we’ve explored the types of window film suitable for upcycling doors, let’s dive into a step-by-step guide to using window film to upcycle, update and upgrade the look of your doors (internal and external).

A. Choosing the right window film

Before you begin, choose the right window film for your needs. Consider the level of privacy and security you want, as well as the design and IV. Step-by-step guide to upcycling doors with window film

Now that we have explored the types of window film suitable for upcycling doors, let’s dive into a step-by-step guide on how to upcycle your doors with new window film.

A. Choosing the right window film

Before you start, make sure to measure your door’s dimensions accurately. You can purchase window film in standard sizes or have it custom cut to fit your door, but either way it’s important to get the measurements right when you order.

Consider the purpose of the door and the level of privacy or natural light you want to achieve. For instance, if you want to block outside views while allowing natural light to enter, frosted or opaque film can be an excellent choice. Once you’ve made your choice and put in your order, it’s just a case of waiting for it to arrive.

B. Preparing the door

One you’re ready to install, start by cleaning the door thoroughly with soap and water to remove any dirt, dust, or debris. Dry it completely with a clean cloth. If your door has any dents, scratches, or cracks, make sure to repair them before applying the window film and give it time to dry or set before you start installing your window film.

C. Measuring and cutting the window film

Measure the door’s dimensions and cut the window film accordingly, leaving a few extra inches on all sides to ensure it covers the entire glass surface. Remember the old adage “measure twice and cut once”? Keep that in mind when it comes to this step. You can always re-measure but once something’s been cut, that can’t usually be put back together.

D. Applying the window film

Spritz some water with a few drops of soap on the glass surface to create a lubricating layer for the film to slide into position. Then carefully align the film with the glass surface, ensuring that it is level and centred. Use the application tool we send to run over the back of the film to press out any bubbles or wrinkles. Start from the centre and move outwards towards the edges, removing excess water and air as you go.

E. Trimming and final touches

Trim any excess film along the edges of the door using a sharp blade or scissors. Run the tool over the film once again to ensure that it is firmly attached to the glass and then leave it to dry off in place.

V. Creative upcycling ideas and inspirations

Upcycling doors with window film can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home while reducing waste, saving you money and conserving energy. Here are some creative ideas and inspirations for upcycling your doors:

A. Sliding barn door

Transform your old door into a sliding barn door using frosted or stained glass window film. This is a perfect way to add a rustic touch to your home decor while ensuring privacy. You can go as far with this theme as you want, adding a slice of the countryside to a modern home or keeping it consistent if your home is more rustic.

B. Front Door

Best Examples of Window Frosting

Make your front door more welcoming and visually appealing by adding a patterned or decorative window film. You can opt for a frosted film for privacy or a stained glass film for an elegant touch. It can even be totally customised or reflective to fit in with the look and style of your home.

C. Back Door

Add a touch of personality to your back door by upcycling it with a colourful patterned window film. You can also use mirrored film to create a reflective surface that adds depth and dimension to your outdoor space. It’s also important for security and stopping unwanted guests from looking into your home and seeing what’s in there.

D. Old cupboard

Upcycling old cupboards with window film is a great way to give your home a fresh and updated look without having to invest in new furniture. By applying window film to the doors of your old cupboards, you can transform them into something completely new and unique, creating something that fits with your style. It’s also way more environmentally – and budget – friendly than throwing away perfectly good furniture.

VI. Maintenance and care for your upcycled door

Window film is pretty low maintenance, but there are some things that you should keep in mind to keep it looking its best for as long as possible.

A. Cleaning tips

It’s important to keep your upcycled door clean to maintain its appearance and prolong its lifespan. Window film is easy to clean, and you can use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away any dirt or dust. Avoid using abrasive cleaning products or tools that could damage the film or the door surface.

To clean your upcycled door, use a soft cloth or sponge with warm soapy water. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals that can damage the film or the door’s surface. Don’t scrub too hard and skip anything like a loofah. Keep anything that might stain the window film away from your door to avoid damage.

B. Window film replacement and removal

If your window film gets damaged or you want to replace it with a different design, it’s easy to remove and replace. Simply use a hairdryer or heat gun to warm up the film and gently peel it off the door. Clean any adhesive residue with rubbing alcohol or soapy water before applying a new film. 

You can also easily remove it using a razor blade (carefully) or scraper. Spray the surface with soapy water and slowly peel off the film from one corner. If any residue remains, use a solution of vinegar and water to remove it.

C. Protecting the door from wear and tear

It’s important to take care of the door to avoid any damage or wear and tear. Avoid slamming the door or scratching it with sharp objects, and consider adding weather stripping to protect it from the elements. Regular maintenance such as painting or varnishing can also help preserve the door’s condition, away from the window film. 

You want the door to stay in good condition and function properly, as well as looking good on the surface.

VII. Conclusion

Upcycling your old doors with new window film is a creative and sustainable way to refresh the look of your home while minimising waste and saving resources. By choosing the right type of window film and following a simple step-by-step process, you can transform your doors into works of art that enhance your privacy, security, and aesthetics. 

From frosted and stained glass designs to patterns and mirrors, the possibilities are endless. Upcycling can be a great way to keep your home looking great without breaking the bank or doing all sorts of unnecessary work.

Renter-friendly decorating ideas

When you’re renting, it can be a tough balance between making your rental property feel like home and keeping your landlord happy. Plus, it doesn’t always make sense to spend lots of money on doing big DIY jobs on a property that isn’t yours as you might decide to move on, then you either lose what you’ve done or – worse still – you have to revert it back to the way it was.

If you’re in need of some renter-friendly decorating ideas then we’ve got you covered with our home decor ideas for rentals.

Try wall coverings

Instead of painting or wallpapering your rental home, try covering plain walls with a tapestry or removable wallpaper. Check with your landlord to make sure you can hang stuff if you need to add nails into the walls. Both options are usually pretty low-damage to the property, and any slight damage can easily be repaired.

Wall coverings are a great way to inject some colour and interest into your living space without making any long-term changes. Plus you can take them with you when you leave.

Add some greenery

House plants are a great way to bring your rental space to life. Bring the outdoors indoors with as many plants as you like. You can add colour and interest to every room easily and with minimal cost. Just remember to keep them watered and cared for so that they stay looking great. If that’s a little more maintenance than you were looking for, then there are some great faux plants out there that look just like the real thing.

You can mix it up with different types of plants and flowers or all shapes and sizes depending on your space. Don’t forget to think about how the pots and vases you use work with your space too.

Rugs, cushions and throws

The right rugs, cushions and soft furnishings can turn any home from plain to pretty. Just add as many as you want, in whatever style fits with your preference and personality for a super cute touch for your home that’s totally temporary and will keep your landlord happy.

As well as rugs and cushions, extra touches like beanbags and throws can make your home feel super cosy and offer extra places to relax throughout the day. Throws in particular can help protect furniture from damage, which is a must if you’re renting a places that’s already furnished.

Try a window film

If you want to improve privacy at home without blocking the light or taking up extra space in your home, then you need a window film. They’re easy to fit, can be cut to any size (so if you have weird windows or an awkward bay, then a window film is definitely for you) and you can get them in any design.

You can even design your own custom window film to fit perfectly with your home decor style and personal taste. They’re usually cheaper than other alternatives like custom blinds and curtains too.

Get your lighting right

Lights, lamps and lampshades are great for improving the look and feel of your home. Find a balance between bright, harsh lighting and low, dim lighting around the house to make your house or flat feel more homely. You can really get expressive with lighting, and there’s usually different styles to fit any space.

Using lamps and lighting to accentuate the areas in your home that you want to focus on, and brightening up any areas where there isn’t quite enough natural light can really make a difference to your living space.

Accessories and art

If your rental property feels like it’s a bit of a blank canvas, then why not jazz it up with home non-permanent home accessories like photo frames, art, ornaments or meaningful pieces from your life. There’s tons of inspiration for home decor and DIY projects on Pinterest if you’re struggling for ideas.

You can truly add a personal touch to your rental property and make it feel far more like a home just by accessorising and updating. Plus, when the time comes to move on you can take these special pieces with you.

Top 5 reasons why window films are better than blinds or curtains

Top 5 Window Privacy Ideas

Window films look fantastic and can seriously up the privacy in your home. If you’re not sure if a window film is right for you, or you’ve always had curtains, here are 5 reasons why trying something different could work for you and your home.

Better value

Compared to the cost of buying good-quality curtains and all the accessories that go with them, window films offer much better value. They’re usually cheaper and because of this, it’s much less effort and expense to change them when you want to update your room. 

stained glass window film

With a window film, you don’t need to pay for cleaning or splash out on new curtains, which can be expensive. It’s such an affordable option and they last for such a long time that you’ll definitely get the most from your budget by buying window films for your home.

Easier to clean

Curtains can be a pain to keep clean, especially if you have kids or pets. They can be a no-no in some areas, like the kitchen or dining room, too as they can hold odours. Window films are easy to clean, simply wipe them down, and they don’t hold odours or interfere with air circulation in your home.

If you need a window covering that’s easy to keep clean and maintain, then a window film is the perfect option. If you’re ready to swap h

Custom fits and designs

In the UK there’s a lot of variety when it comes to homes. That can mean unusual window spaces, bay windows where it’s tricky to fit curtains or blinds or sizes that don’t fit standard curtain sizes. Getting custom made curtains, blinds or shutters can be really expensive and usually need to be professionally made and installed – this can take time too.

With window films, weird shapes or unusual sizes aren’t a problem. Fitting can also be done easily and quickly at home using the tools provided. They also come in lots of different designs, and can even be customised to the design of your dreams at a fraction of the cost of custom curtains.

Takes up less space in the room

If you have a small room, then bulky curtains can take up more space than you can afford. Make the most of your space with a window film to stop your living space looking or feeling crowded. You can customise your fit, style and level of coverage to fit your room so it enhances your home without taking up all that extra space.

This makes window films a great idea for flats, smaller homes, outbuildings and rooms like bathrooms and kitchens where you don’t tend to have a ton of extra space available.

Makes a room cooler

A blackout window film usually blocks 100% of light, 99% of UV rays and 78% of the sun’s heat, making it a smart choice for rooms that get direct sunlight, if you sleep during the day or you have furnishings that need  to be protected from sun damage. This can even prolong the life of your furniture and carpets in the long run.

While most rooms probably won’t have full blackout window film, it’s worth knowing that this can significantly cool down a space as well as improve security and stop passers by from looking into your property.


Top 5 Window Privacy Ideas

Top 5 Window Privacy Ideas

If you’re in need of some privacy for your home or business, then a window film could be exactly what you’re looking for. Whether you want to stop people from looking into your property, protect the security of your home or keep an unattractive view out of your line of sight, using a window film is an inexpensive and ineffective option.

Here are the top 5 ways to improve your window privacy with a window film.

Privacy with frosted films

Frosted window film is a film that doesn’t obscure light from your room but blocks out unwanted views (either into or out of) your property. You’ll most commonly see this used in bathrooms and on the ground floor, especially in areas that have a high footfall. It works just as well during the day or the night and helps with security for your home or office.

This type of window film is easy to install, fits with any decor scheme and works in a range of different settings. Frosted film is also considerably cheaper than paying to fit frosted glass, and gives the same effect. It’s simple, but effective – which is sometimes exactly what you need.

Top 5 Window Privacy Ideas

Privacy with stained glass film

Stained glass film is ideal if you’re in a period property but don’t want the cost that comes with replacing stained glass windows. These often need specialist craftsmanship and can be seriously expensive to replace. They can also be far less efficient for keeping in the heat than a standard double-glazed window, so a stained glass film can help you cover up a more efficient window so that it fits with the rest of the property.

When it comes to privacy, a stained glass window can also help to obscure the view into your property, making it better for privacy. The colour of the film, design and the ability to recreate any stained glass pattern make it the perfect choice for privacy.

Privacy with mirror films

Just like a one-way mirror, mirror film lets you add privacy to your property without making it obvious that there’s anything going on behind the glass. To the person outside, it just looks like a mirror that they can see themselves in. However, if you’re inside the room and looking out, you can see what’s going on outside easily. This makes it great for privacy in an office or business environment.

It’s also really easy to apply mirror film so that it’s pretty undetectable. This means you can keep the outside world away from what you’re trying to keep under wraps.

Top 5 Window Privacy Ideas

Privacy with patterned films

Patterned window films are great for obscuring views into your property while also adding to your decor. Whatever the style of your home or office you can find the perfect fit for your space. You can even create your own design, so if you’re in a business or you have a pattern in mind that you really want in your home then there’s nothing stopping you.

This type of window film is really easy to fit and put up – no trying to line patterns up or fit individual pieces, just a patterned window film that’s cut to shape and comes with straightforward, easy-to-follow instructions.

Privacy with blackout film

If you really do value your privacy and want to completely stop anyone from seeing through your windows then a blackout window film could be exactly what you’re looking for. Bear in mind that with blackout film, you’ll be shutting the light out too so this works best for storage spaces or rooms that need to be dark. Blackout films also come in white too so you don’t need to worry about making the space outside look dark.

They’re totally self-adhesive and cut daylight by 100%. You can also get coloured window films to improve your privacy while still fitting with the rest of your space.

Other ways to use window films

Despite the name, you can use privacy window films on doors, glass partitions, skylights and mirrored spaces. Anywhere where you can have a space that has glass or mirror on it. The static cling system that our window films use will adhere quickly and easily but still stay in place until you’re ready to remove them just as easily.

It’s great for keeping meeting rooms private, stopping people from seeing through glass spaces in doors and for keeping people from seeing who’s in a property. This is essential for security, safety and privacy without the costs associated with tinted glass.

Another way you can use window films is using them to shield part of your window rather than the full thing. For example, if your property is on a street with lots of people passing by then you might want to use window film just to block out the bottom part of your window. That way you can still see the outside world, but people passing your window can’t see in. This can be great if you have pets that react to people passing by too.

Privacy tips for home and office

As well as window films, you can keep your space more private, whether that’s at home or work with a few easy tips:

  • Install fencing, add privacy screens to your property or make sure walls are properly maintained 
  • Landscape around the line of your property or in front of your home
  • Install security cameras as a deterrent
  • As well as window films, blinds, curtains and shutters can help
  • Rearrange your indoor space
  • Think about anything outside your windows that could make it easier for unwanted visitors to see into the property
  • Make sure windows and doors are locked, whether you’re in the building or not

Using window films for privacy

There’s no doubt that window films can increase the privacy of your home or business. There’s something to suit every need and every decor style, whatever your budget. Window films are easy to fit, remove and don’t damage your space so are perfect if you’re renting your space but still want privacy too.

The Hottest 2022 Interiors Trends

interiors trends

After spending so much time at home over the last few years, many of us are looking to update our space. There’s a move away from creams, neutrals and minimalism with colour, texture and bold accents all becoming more popular in 2022. This is the year that interior design starts to incorporate more individualism, maximalism and bold designs.

If you’re thinking of redecorating or redesigning your home in 2022, let’s take a look at the  hottest interior design trends to help you get some inspiration. We’ve even included tips on how you can recreate each of these trends in your home.

Multifunctional Space

With house prices at an all time high, people may look to downsize, choosing to rely on multifunctional spaces that double up on their uses. This could be a spare room that’s also an office or an orangery that doubles up as somewhere to workout. A separate space to work from home is also something many people are looking for at home as hybrid space and work from home continues.

To create a multifunctional feel in your home, look for furniture that folds away or doubles up with a second use. You can also experiment with temporary walls and dividers to give the illusion of a moveable, ever-changing space.

Blending The Indoors and Outdoors Together

home interiors trend 2022

Plants in the home are nothing new, but connecting to nature, bringing the indoors and outdoors together and creating calm, natural environments are going to be big in 2022. This trend also focuses on natural lighting, space and ventilation in the home to create a feel of airy space and the outdoors. The colour palette also reflects colours found in nature like blues and greens. 

Bring a little nature into your home with our range of plant life window stickers to brighten up your space. You can also add real or artificial plants and experiment with new ways to let light and air into your home.


Softer shapes, smoother angles and curved forms are all becoming more popular for furniture, architecture and interior design in 2022. It’s a move towards more natural shapes and a more sculptural feel to furniture in the home. It also focuses more on a sumptuous, sensual feel through textured fabrics, rich colours and bold designs along with a curved style. This trend covers everything from chairs, tables, sofas and even artwork.

When it comes to creating curves at home, think about how you can utilise your existing space to incorporate curved furniture and accessories without wasting precious space at home. Adding curved artwork, wall decals or accessories is an easy way to add curves.

Going Bold

home interiors trend 2022

Bold patterns and colours are going to be really popular in 2022 for an interior design theme that’s a throwback to the 1960s and 1970s. This is a move away from minimalism, instead focusing on maximalism with bold colours and prints. Bold doesn’t have to mean bright or overwhelming either, it can easily be adapted by using more muted colours that still fit with a bolder approach to colour.

Going bold couldn’t be easier. Try out bold print or patterned accessories like cushions, ornaments, wall hangings or wall decals. Think about painting walls in anything other than neutrals and getting creative with your colour palette.

Back To The Classics

There’s been something of a nod back to the past with classic styles, architecture-inspired looks and a historic feel to furniture. Think heavy, opulent pieces, rooms filled with colour, jade greens and gold accents. Intricate art-deco detailing, 18th century feels, murals and large woven rugs in classic colours are all proving to be popular in 2022.

Ready to really take inspiration from the classics? Try out our range of art-inspired wall decals, available in any shape or size. Pair them with furniture designs that hark back to the past for a classic, rich feel in any home.


Sustainability is becoming more important in all parts of life, and interior design is no different. This includes home accessories and furniture made from renewable materials and sustainable sources. It also focuses on opportunities to recycle, reuse and renew items instead of adding them to landfill. It might be cushions that are filled with sustainable or recycled materials, reupholstered chairs or repainted wooden furniture.

Before you look to throw items in your home away, or look to replace them with something brand new, consider if you can breathe new life into them. Or if someone else might be able to make use of it. Be mindful of where items in your home come from and the materials that they use.

Window Patterns

Window Patterns Decorating windows with colour and patterns fits in with the focus on trends that incorporate colour, blending the outside with indoors and natural light. Window treatments are an easy and effective way to make changes to your home without the permanence that’s often not allowed in rented spaces. They can be customised to any shape or size, designed in any colour or pattern and are easy to apply. They’re easy to remove if you decide to update your space at a later date too. Simply select your chosen design (or create your own from scratch), measure your space and order your window pattern. They’re easy to apply and come with full instructions - applying them takes just minutes.

Decorating windows with colour and patterns fits in with the focus on trends that incorporate colour, blending the outside with indoors and natural light. Window treatments are an easy and effective way to make changes to your home without the permanence that’s often not allowed in rented spaces.  They can be customised to any shape or size, designed in any colour or pattern and are easy to apply. They’re easy to remove if you decide to update your space at a later date too.

Simply select your chosen design (or create your own from scratch), measure your space and order your window pattern. They’re easy to apply and come with full instructions – applying them takes just minutes.

Statement Lighting

Lighting moves even away from just the practical and into the realms of style with statement lighting choices. Sculptural pendants, 70s lampshades, stylish carved lamps and decorative lighting that makes a statement all of its own are all growing in popularity as people look to bring a more maximalist approach into their home. This can be anything from overhead lighting, floor lamps and table top lighting.

Look for lighting that adds something a little different to your home. It can fit with your existing interior design but should be able to stand out independently in the style stakes too. Use unusual fabrics, interesting shapes and sculpted lamps that look elegant and unique.

How to Choose The Right Window Treatments

Window treatments are the perfect finishing touch to your room. They’re usually the last thing that you add but they can really make a difference to the look and feel of your space, bringing together all the elements of your home.

The type of window treatments you use depends on the space you have, window shape and size and how much light or privacy you want in your living space. Let’s take a look at some of the most common window treatments and their pros and cons.

Types of Window Treatments 

The different types of window treatments on offer can get confusing, especially when you try to work out which you like best and which work best for your room. Understanding them in a little more detail can help you to understand what’s best for your home.

Window Films

stained glass window film

Window films can be custom-made to any size or shape and are really easy to apply. They’re perfect for privacy and come in lots of different finishes including blackout, mirror and a whole range of patterns and shapes. You can completely fit them to your tastes and home decor (you can even create custom designs) and they can help you to regulate a room’s temperature. 

Another great thing about window films is that they don’t take up a huge amount of additional space in your home like curtains and drapes can. If you have a small room or an awkward window shape or alcove then window films can give you privacy, light protection and warmth without taking up precious space. They’re also really budget-friendly, easy to keep clean and can be changed as often as you want without damage, making them perfect for rental properties.

Curtains and Drapes

window treatments

Drapes and curtains are usually panels of fabric that cover your window and drop below the windowsill. Curtains are usually made from lighter fabric and hang from a rod at the top of the window whereas drapes are usually floor-length and made from heavier materials. They come in a range of fabrics, colours and sizes but if you have an unusually shaped or sized windows (or you’re trying to cover an alcove) then they will probably need to be custom made

Curtains and drapes can sometimes be bulky and take up space in a room, which can be annoying if you’re low on space or the configuration of your room means they’re in the way. Curtains and drapes can also be tricky to keep clean, especially if you have a large pair that don’t easily fit in a normal washing machine, so they’re not always the best for spaces like kitchens where it can get messy and absorb odours.

Blinds and Shades

window treatments

Blinds are attached to a frame at the top of your window and use panels or slats to let the light into the room (or block it out as needed). They can be vertical or horizontal and made from lots of different types of fabric and colours. This makes them easy to style in any space and with any type of decor. You can get custom-made and fitted blinds if you have a large window or unusual shape or size, but this can get expensive. 

Most blinds you can buy in-store are a standard size but can sometimes be cut down to size. This can be fiddly and it’s not always easy to get a professional finish when you DIY them – changing them can sometimes mean having to repair plaster too. Standard blinds are relatively inexpensive too. They can also get dirty, hold odours and the moving mechanism can sometimes be temperamental, so think about where you want to use them in your home.

How to Choose Window Treatments

There are some things to think about when you choose window treatments for your home. This can help you to choose the right window treatments for your space and save you from costly, time-consuming mistakes. A little bit of planning can save you a lot of trial and error.

Think About The Room’s Use

If your window treatment’s going to be in a space with lots of traffic or where it’s going to be opened and closed a lot then think about using a window covering that’s going to be durable. If you’re covering a window in a kitchen, bathroom, outbuilding or conservatory/orangery think about the type of window treatment you use – you don’t want it becoming damp or holding cooking odours.

Consider What’s Outside

To improve privacy and security, or be able to see out of your window whilst stopping people from seeing inside your home then window films are what you need. If you’re overlooked, live on a high-traffic street or have lots of unwanted light coming into your home at night then think about what window treatment is going to keep this out. Blackout window films or curtains are a good choice if you want to keep the outside where it is.

Window Space

Unusual window shapes, alcoves and large windows that don’t conform to standard sizes can be difficult to fit blinds and curtains to. You’ll usually need to have these types of window treatments to be custom made which can be expensive and take much longer to make. Window films can be a much easier option for these types of windows as they’re much quicker to make and easier to fit in unusual spaces.

Integrity of Walls

Blinds and curtains usually need to hang from a pole or rail which is fitted to the wall. If your walls are older or have newer plaster on them, it might be difficult to fit a pole or rail that will safely bear weight on it. A window film can be a better window treatment to protect your walls. There are so many different styles and designs available to fit any type of decor and they can be ideal for rental properties where you don’t want to damage the walls.

How To Use Blackout Window Film

There are lots of reasons to add a window covering in your home, especially with blackout window film. You might be overlooked at home and want some extra privacy, there might be light that shines in from a neighbouring property or you might find it difficult to sleep in a bright room, especially if you work night shifts

Blackout window film is easy to apply, can be custom-fitted if your windows aren’t a standard size and isn’t permanent, so if you change your mind (or your lifestyle) and don’t need blackout windows any more then you can change your decor just as easily. This makes it ideal if you’d rather spend your budget on your other home accessories, you have a large space to cover or you want to balance warmth, light and budget.

The other great thing about blackout window film is that it doesn’t have to be black either. If you’re worried about adding lots of black into your space, then try a white blackout window film for an easy reflective look that’s great for concealing items that you’d rather keep hidden.

Where To Use Blackout Window Film in the Home

Blackout window film has a whole host of uses in the home. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can use this innovative window film in your home.


Blackout curtains are great if you need a room to be completely dark before you can get to sleep but blackout window film can be even better. Especially if you’re overlooked at home and want to enjoy more privacy. If your work pattern means that you sleep during the day then being able to black out the daylight can make a huge difference to how well you rest.

blackout window film bedroom


Add blackout window film to your bedroom windows and get a great night’s sleep. If you’re worried about it not fitting with your decor then try white blackout window film for a more neutral, stylish option.

Living Room


Lots of us choose to relax in our living room at night watching TV, reading, gaming or spending time with family but light pollution can be a pain. Glare from outside lighting can make the TV screen difficult to see, passing car headlights can upset people and pets alike and people’s over-sensitive security lights can be a real pain.

A white blackout window film can be a great solution without feeling as oppressive as black in a living space. A blackout window film will allow you the privacy and relaxation that you want to experience at home, especially if you live on the ground floor or in a busy area.

blackout window film living room


Blackout blinds can help you to keep a more consistent temperature in the kitchen, and stop glare from interfering with your culinary delights. Sometimes when you’re cooking a room can get far too hot. Blackout blinds can help with this as they keep the temperature more regular – even more important if you’re doing precision food preparation that needs a consistent environment.

blackout window films kitchen


A relaxing bath at night isn’t as relaxing if you’re worried about people looking in or light shining into the room. Blackout window film can help to protect your privacy, especially if you live on the ground floor or a busy road where public transport passes by. 

Blackout film can also help to keep temperature regular as tiled floors, baths and tiled walls can all feel cold. Porcelain tends to suck the heat from the air as it’s a cold surface – blackout film can help you avoid this as well as stopping windows from letting drafts in.

blackout window film bathroom

Study or Home Office

We all know the feeling of having lots on our to-do list and getting distracted far too easily. Blackout window film can help with this as it stops distractions and gives you a calmer, more consistent space. This is great if you need the same lighting conditions for your work or want to keep glare away from the screen when you’re working.

It can also be useful for security and feeling safer, especially if your office isn’t connected to the rest of the home or you work alone at home a lot of the time.

blackout window films home office

Garage, Outbuildings, Sheds and Basements

Garages, outbuildings and basements are often more accessible than the rest of the home. This can mean that they’re a target for thieves, especially if they contain items that are of value (and are commonly stolen as a result). Keep unwanted guests out by concealing what outbuildings contain to reduce opportunistic theft with a blackout window film.

Prevention is often far more preferable than having to deal with the aftermath of a break in. Only a few items might be stolen but the repair work and work to re-secure the property can all add up. A blackout window film can help you to regulate temperature too, which can be tricky in a draughty outbuilding.

blackout window building

Blackout Window Film Is Better Than Curtains and Blinds

If you’ve ever had your sleep or privacy disturbed then you’ll know just how great the extra privacy, security and light shielding with blackout curtains, blinds or films can be. They’re not just for business or commercial purposes either, however they can work really well in dual purpose spaces as more of us work from home or look to have an ongoing side-hustle and store stock in the home.

With blackout window film you can cut it to fit any shape of window which makes it ideal for unusual spaces, period properties with alcoves or outbuildings. It’s also often more cost-effective than custom-made curtains and blinds as it’s so simple to fit. For large areas or outbuildings where you don’t want to spend lots of money then blackout window film is an ideal, easy solution.

Take a look at the blackout window films in stock that can be cut to any size or shape. They’re available in black or white and block out light as well as protecting your privacy.

How To Use Mirror Window Film in Your Home Or Business

Mirror window film is a great alternative to traditional window films which usually come in plain colours and finishes. Mirror window film is still neutral and can enhance your space without compromising on privacy. It’s also flexible and can be completely customised in terms of size or shape. Plus it doesn’t smudge, smear or become difficult to clean like glass mirrors can.

Let’s find out more about how to use this innovative, versatile window film at home or in your business.

What Is Mirror Window Film?

mirror window film


Mirror window film is a clear window film which once applied to glass gives your windows and doors a reflective silver finish externally, and a tinted appearance internally. It reduces solar heat glare, helps to regulate temperature and can keep the things you’d rather keep hidden out of sight.

Thanks to the reflective mirror-like finish, it provides daytime privacy allowing you to still see out, whilst passers-by can’t see in. It can also help to make a space look bigger internally if it’s used to divide a space (such as hide a storage area or a staff room from customers).

You can purchase our mirror window films by the metre, or cut to size to measure for your home or place of work. Silver reflective window film is very easy to apply using soapy water and the free installation tool provided with your order. It’s also far more budget-friendly than glass or partition installations and looks really attractive.

How To Use Mirror Window Film at Home

mirror window film

Mirror film can be extremely versatile in the home, especially if you want to up your privacy without spending too much money, compromising on your decor, blocking our natural light or undertaking expensive building and installation work.

You can use mirror window film to stop people from seeing into your home without blocking the light or impacting on the look of your property from the outside. This can be really important for security, safety and privacy while you’re at home. It’s great for rooms like bathrooms, shower rooms and toilet areas where privacy is even more important.

Because it reflects the outside environment around your home, it doesn’t look out of place or obvious from the outside either, blending in with your home. Kerb appeal is an important part of home ownership, or selling a home in the future so keeping your house looking great on the outside is important too.

Another creative way to use mirror film in your home is to create the look of a trendy window mirror at home without the cost, glass or safety issues that come with using real mirrors. This is an amazing interior design idea that incorporates using mirror window film to create a beautiful look without the cost. We have a static cling mirror window film option for temporary use. This non-adhesive reflective window film is easy to apply in a matter of minutes, can be peeled off in seconds, and even re-used if stored properly.

Reflective mirror film is great for outdoor spaces too. If you want to conceal unsightly tools or hide expensive equipment from thieves then mirror film works well as it blocks it from view but reflects the rest of the face. This can make the space feel bigger and lighter.

How To Use Mirror Window Film at Work

mirror window film

Mirror film is essential in the workplace. If you want to hide stock, staff areas, manufacturing floors or give your customers privacy then mirror film works perfectly. It can also help with security and protecting your important business assets from sight.

Almost half of all thefts are thought to be opportunistic. By taking away the opportunity and hiding tools, stock and belongings out of sight you can help to reduce these types of threats in the workplace. As the mirror film is reflective, people can’t see in but you can see them – another win when it comes to security and loss prevention.

Mirror window film also makes sense from a cost perspective in a business. It’s significantly cheaper than glass, screens or building partitions but gives you the same benefit. Plus it’s flexible and can be cut to any size so awkward spaces, shapes or windows become a much easier (and cheaper) task. If a commercial property has had previous other uses then unusual window or office spaces are more likely.

It’s also useful for areas such as reception where it makes sense to be able to see out, but you don’t necessarily want to be visible all of the time. This can help with time management, dealing with an unwanted visitor or preventing security of safety threats. The mirrored surface means that they may not realise that there are other people there.

If your workplace has poor lighting or smaller spaces, then using mirror window film is the ideal way to create more privacy without impacting on light or space. It can actually give the illusion of light and space where it’s needed.

How To Install Window Film

Purlfrost’s mirror window film comes in 3 grades, a dark mirror window film for extra heat rejection, a medium mirror window film for better visible light level, and a light mirror window film which is better suited to UV and glare control than privacy. 

Our window films are all designed to be installed easily, whether you’re in a home or an office environment. We provide clear instructions and an application tool with every window film that we send. This makes it easy to apply the film wherever you need it.

You can find the full instructions for how to apply a window film on our website. This is for all types of film, including mirror film. To find out how easy it is to remove, visit the window film removal instruction page. If you need further assistance, guidance or tips on how to install or remove window film get in touch. We’ll be more than happy to help you out with any questions you may have.

How To Update Art Deco Interior Design Style Windows

In the UK, we have a wealth of period properties steeped in history and filled with original features, like art deco windows.

Georgian properties have been found to have the highest value and it’s all down to the way they’re build and the original character. It seems we can’t get enough of those period features like large windows, high ceilings and original fireplaces. All of which come at a premium and cost more to maintain.

Georgian Home

Another style of home from the similar period is Art Deco. Much rarer than a traditional Georgian property, these homes are in serious demand and have inspired developers ever since. Parquet flooring, Crittall windows (a type of Art Deco interior design style windows) and clean lines are big news in interior and exterior design at the moment.

There’s no denying that period properties can be seriously expensive to maintain. You often need specially-skilled tradespeople, custom-made sizes and even original materials. You might even need planning permission before you make changes to the property, depending on your local council and your individual property. It can be a minefield.

Bringing Your Art Deco Home into the Present Day

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can keep your  property looking great and keep it in fitting with the original style you fell in love with without breaking the bank:

Art Deco Windows

art deco windows

With any property, replacing windows can take up a lot of budget. This is especially true when it comes to period properties, and even more so with Art Deco windows. They’re often one of the main features of an Art Deco property and definitely aren’t one-size-fits all. Replacing them with custom made Art Deco glass can be very expensive and might not perform as well as other types of glass.

To bring windows up to the modern day but keep the Art Deco look, you might want to try an Art Deco Window Film. They can be completely customised, are made to measure and come in a range of existing designs based on real stained glass artwork from the Art Deco era.

They’re easy to apply in just minutes and cost a fraction of getting your windows replaced with original glass styles. This means that you can benefit from modern glazing techniques but still keep that beautiful, unique Art Deco window look. They’re also great as a privacy window film.

Bold, Geometric Wallpaper

geometric wallpaper

Inside your home, bold geometric wallpaper can be a fantastic way of updating the look of your home but staying within your budget. A new design on your walls can make a huge difference to your living space. By keeping it Art Deco inspired, you won’t lose the feel of your Art Deco property.

Try bold, sumptuous geometric patterns in blacks, dark greens and gold to add that Art Deco back into your home. If your budget is even tighter, then just adding a feature wall in stylish wallpaper can be a modern take on the Art Deco look.

Add A Pop Of Colour

yellow chair pop of colour

A feature of Art Deco is contrast, and sometimes the unexpected. Adding colourful pieces of furniture or home accessories can be a great way to inject a bit of Art Deco into your interior design. Metallic accents are also a great throwback to the original style.

Don’t overdo the colour, Art Deco is known for being bold, bright and modern in parts but it isn’t a truly maximalist interior design style. Keep it to accents, pops and touches of colour.

Mirror, Mirror

mirror furniture

Another easy way to update your home with a nod to the 1920’s is with mirrored accessories. Art Deco can be pretty flashy at times and this is reflected (see what we did there?) in its use of mirrored surfaces and accessories. Think furniture, vases, bowls and accents.

It doesn’t need to be expensive either, there are a ton of ways that you can make mirrors and accessories that have been picked up pretty cheaply into something luxe, expensive-looking and with a nod to the time period. To keep in budget, you can even look into stick-on mirrored laminate so you get the mirror look without the price tag and the fragility.

Update Your House Number

house number

A stained glass or etched glass door or window with your house number in it looks beautiful and fits perfectly with Art Deco style. As you might have guessed however, these can also be really expensive and have to be custom made.

You can still get a custom-made stained glass effect by using a window film to create a personalised house number. It’s really easy to design, order and fit, even for custom designs or awkward-sized spaces. You can get a really opulent, luxurious Art Deco look for a fraction of the cost and disruption.

Fabulous Furniture

velvet couch

A chaise is very fitting and will add that flashy period feel to any room. Think textures and luxe fabrics like velvet, decadent metallic touches and interesting, opulent shapes. They’re also great for stretching out on, whether you’re watching TV, reading, taking a nap, gaming or doing your makeup. They’re also great as a space-saver where a couch would be too bulky.

Geometric furniture in glamorous finishes are also an ideal way to add art deco into your home. There are plenty of places to pick up more budget-friendly options online, and you can sometimes pick up some bargains on auction sites and social media.

Period Ornaments

art deco accessories

Whether you scour vintage sales or pick up replicas and Art Deco-inspired pieces, ornaments and accessories can be perfect for adding those touches of the 1920’s to your home on a budget. This is also great if you love your period exterior and static features but don’t want to feel like you’re living in a time warp.

Think Great Gatsby, geometric shapes and luxurious finishes for an Art Deco feel that will do the trick to bring your house up to date with period features in a stylish, subtle and budget-friendly way.

How To Choose The Best Alternative to Net Curtains

Net curtains haven’t been trendy for a long time, but look around any residential street in the UK and the chances are you’ll still spot them somewhere. People find it difficult to find an alternative to net curtains that let in light, add privacy and aren’t prohibitively expensive.

The main reason people use net curtains is to balance privacy with letting light into the home. It might be that you live on a busy road or that you’re worried about security, or it could be that you just want to let as much light as possible into your home. Light is great for smaller spaces and to give the illusion of a larger living space.

So if net curtains aren’t your thing, but light and privacy are, then what are the options? Let’s take a look at some of the window coverings that you can use as an alternative to net curtains.

Choosing An Alternative to Net Curtains at Home

Frosted Window Films

Frosted window films have become far more popular in recent years as people look for something modern, stylish, durable and slick to increase the privacy of their home. One of the main attractions of a frosted window film is that they still let the light in – which is one home decor trend that never goes out of fashion – but keep prying eyes out. They’re great if you live somewhere with lots of people passing by as you really can keep your home private.

A privacy window film is also easy to apply in just minutes (even if you have zero experience), can be completely customised and is far more affordable than alternatives like frosted glass or fitted shutters and blinds. You can get stained glass effect films, modern designs and even seasonal ones. You can also change them as often as you want and you can even choose your own design from scratch. Just want to cover part of a window rather than the full thing? That’s really easy to do with a window film.


Shutters have become really trendy as a window covering in recent years. While they can look great, they’re often very expensive and require a specialist to fit them. They’re fully customised to your living space but can be tricky if you have windows that tilt or you want your windows to be covered quickly.

Shutters have the longest lead time of any window covering so if it’s something that you’re looking for then you need to be prepared to wait and plan ahead. They can also be bulky and can make a space feel a little darker, so aren’t ideal for smaller spaces. Also, if you go for shutters then prepare to devote some time to keeping them clean as they’ll gather dust, dirt and debris on them on a fairly regular basis.

alternative to net curtains

Fitted Blinds, Vertical Blinds or Roller Blinds

Fitted blinds or roller blinds come in a range of different styles, colours and ranges which make them a good choice to fit in with your decor. They’re more expensive than curtains or frosted window films and take longer to fit than either of them. They also usually need someone to fit them, unless you want to give it a go yourself which can be fiddly and time-consuming. If you make a mistake it can quickly get out of hand! Some styles of blinds are more suited to an office than the home, and don’t feel like something you’d necessarily have in the home, so try and make sure that they fit well with your existing decor.

Another issue with blinds can be safety concerns, especially if you have children or pets. The cords that are used have been known to cause a variety of accidents in the home so this is definitely something to take into consideration. You need to make sure that every blind adheres to the British Blind and Shutter Association safety guidelines.

Voiles or Sheer Curtains

Voiles or sheer curtains are probably the closest alternative to net curtains (and one of the most budget-friendly), but they’re also not as trendy as some of the other options. Whilst they don’t need any specialist skills to put up, you need to make sure that they fit in with the rest of your decor.  It can look odd to have floaty voiles in place if the rest of your decor is modern and minimalist.

They’re also harder to keep clean than window films and will need washed more regularly. Voiles and sheer curtains are relatively easy to change as needed (just make sure you get the right size in the first place and clean them in line with manufacturer instructions). They’re not the best for privacy, as you have to trade off whether people can see in with how much light is entering the space. To get the light, it’s usually still left pretty open and people can see into your home. To get privacy, it usually means blocking out some light.

How to Choose Your Alternative to Net Curtains

If you’ve decided to ditch the nets, then take the time to think about what you want instead. With some options, like shutters, once they’re in place it can be a significant amount of work and damage to get rid of them. You need to be sure they’re what you want as it can be expensive to have them removed.

What To Think About When Choosing Your Window Covering

Here are some questions to think about when you’re choosing your alternative to net curtains:

  • Why do you want to cover up your window? Is it privacy, security or both?
  • Do you need lots of light coming into the space?
  • What’s your budget?
  • How quickly do you want it done?
  • What’s your home decor style?
  • Is there anything that you need customised or that might be awkward?
  • What’s your lifestyle? Do you have kids, pets or other lifestyle factors to take into account?
  • How likely are you to change your mind and want to redecorate in the near future?

This should help you find the right fit for your living space, and help you to ditch those dingy net curtains for good!